35: 3 Strategies for Women Executives to Ensure Team Access and Foster Leadership Presence

Living While Leading with Sharon Ehrlich

Feb 19 2024 • 6 mins

This episode explore the challenges and solutions for women executives struggling with team accessibility and dives into common hurdles that distance leaders from their teams.

Discover the risks tied to leadership inaccessibility, such as eroding trust, missing mentorship opportunities, and stifling innovation and discover 3 actionable strategies to enhance accessibility and strengthen team bonds.

Listen in for a transformative conversation aimed at fostering a more connected, empowered team environment and take action towards becoming the accessible leader your team deserves.

Click here for the full transcript.

Sharon Ehrlich‘s mission is to support successful women IT executives gain more control over their careers while carving out precious time for themselves and loved ones.

She‘s developed an exclusive 4-Step Systemwhich empowers women to dedicate the time needed to reassess their priorities. Through one-on-one sessions, women design a life which allows them to continue thrive professionally while giving themselves permission to reclaim their freedom to pursue things which are important to them. This is a transformative, high-touch program designed exclusively for women in executive and leadership positions.

Sharon also provides a dynamic empowerment session called Own the Room which supports women in unleashing their authentic self and confidently showcase their talents and expertise. This intense 90-minute session supports women in putting self-doubt to rest and recognizing and owning their power.

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