#68 Mastering Land Trusts and Taxes with Toby Mathis

Scalable Real Estate Investing

Feb 28 2023 • 1 hr 37 mins

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Toby Mathis is a 25-year tax attorney and founding partner at Anderson Advisors, whose career has focused on how to save money and how to make money. As a result of Anderson’s tax work with tens of thousands of successful investors including preparing over 100,000 investor tax returns, Toby has pieced together their methods to building wealth and now educates on the surprisingly simple processes. Toby Mathis has helped Anderson grow its practice from one of business and estate planning to include a thriving tax practice and registered agent service with tens of thousands of clients nationwide. Toby also advances his client's interests by combining expert tax advice with his personal experiences investing in over 200 real estate projects in the United States. His expertise reaches many others through his award-winning publications, including Tax-Wise Business Ownership and Infinity Investing: How the Rich Get Richer and How You Can Do the Same. Toby continues his crusade daily to help investors and business owners preserve their wealth, protect it from lawyers, snoops, and Uncle Sam, and create amazing legacies for future generations.

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Helpful Links:




7 Super Powers of Land Trusts in Real Estate Asset Protection => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uARhp_OJ-I0

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COFFEE!!! If you feel this episode provided a ton of value, show your support by buying us a cup of coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/scalablerei

LET’S DO SOME DEALS!!! Contact Mason to JV/partner on deals or passively invest by either emailing him at mason@scalablerei.com

Schedule a call with Mason by using this link here: https://calendly.com/mason-klement/30min

Follow Mason on Instagram to learn additional real estate investing tips and tricks: https://www.instagram.com/mason_klement_scalablerei/

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