16. Teaching is no JOKE! Teacher Burnout and how to recognise it

Unlearn Something

Nov 25 2023 • 1 hr 43 mins


We are back with another episode and in this episode we are talking about teacher burnout. We talk about what is feels like, how to recognise it and what we can try and do about it.

There is a problem though. we cannot avoid burnout ourselves in our individual classrooms. It is a much wider school, network and sysytemic problem. We need to ask ourselves why so many of us are feeling tired and stressed most, if not all the time.

There are measures we can take day by day to protect and care for ourselves; but the reason a lot of us are feeling burnt out is because of the sheer mass of unprecedented challenges that face teachers today. ECTs are quitting, teacher trainees are dropping out of their courses, supply teachers are hard to find.

Today we discuss this and a lot  more. Its a long listen and we hope that its relatable. Check on your teacher friends because some of us are really struggling.

Show Notes

'How to Recognise Teacher Burn Out' https://schools.au.reachout.com/articles/how-to-recognise-and-manage-teacher-burnout

'Teacher Burnout and Turnover Intent' Natalie Rajendren  2019 https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar_url?url=https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Helen-Watt/publication/338923051_Teacher_burnout_and_turnover_intent/links/5e7d6cc8458515efa0ada568/Teacher-burnout-and-turnover-intent.pdf&hl=en&sa=X&ei=zO9hZYChDo6V6rQPv--5-Ak&scisig=AFWwaeb6fLOiL3lLi0kDR58zCnKD&oi=scholarr

If you have any comments or feedback to give us please email us on unlearnsomethingpod@gmail.com, and we will get back to you and (with your permission) read out your email on the show.

Music credit: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music?tag[]=spotlight&sort=relevance

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