Diving Deep Into Virtual Investing With Lauren Hardy

The Flip Talk Podcast with Don Costa

Mar 7 2023 • 34 mins

We miss so many opportunities in real estate investing because of our perceived distance. We either limit ourselves to properties within a certain radius or give up altogether because of the time and effort it takes. If this dilemma sounds familiar to you, then you’ll find virtual investing a great solution. In this episode, real estate investor Lauren Hardy shows how you can invest anytime, anywhere at just the tip of your fingertips. She takes us across her own real estate journey, sharing her first few deals and how she eventually took on the virtual mindset. Digging deeper, Lauren then talks about virtual wholesaling and flipping. She breaks down some of the challenges she had to overcome and shares what has made her successful throughout it all. Join Lauren as she shows how success in this industry is not beyond arm’s reach. In fact, you can just grab it.