Teachers Under Pressure: Semester Grades

Answers May Vary

Dec 16 2022 • 27 mins

Grades. Pressure. Anxiety. For us, these three words were inextricably linked with December (and May) for years. We started to feel the nasty pangs in late November (or late April) and by mid-December (or mid-May), we were complete wrecks! In this episode of the podcast, we’re responding to a teacher who is feeling under pressure to “fix her grades” (as though they are "hers" and can be "fixed") in these last weeks of the semester. We're sharing some tips for how to deal with the situation (and still feel like a good teacher) based on the many years we found ourselves in her difficult position.  So grab a mug of cocoa (if it's December or January) or an iced coffee (if it's May or June) and give this one a listen.

Come find us so we can chat some more!