What We've Learned from Our Most Challenging Students

Answers May Vary

Apr 26 2023 • 22 mins

The difficulties posed by challenging students and classes can really wear a teacher down. Our misery will often make us desperate and open us to all kinds of classroom management ideas and suggestions in the hope we will find the magical "cure" to our woes, but sometimes we don't want solutions; we just want to commiserate with those who also know the "challenging" student struggle so we feel a little less alone.

Enter this week's dilemma. A teacher in the midst of a "the struggle is real" moment (probably more accurately, "year") wrote in with this dilemma:

“I have an incredibly challenging class this year. There are so many behavior problems and so many student needs, and it is wearing me out. I know classroom management strategies, but I think I just want to know that I’m not alone. What did you learn from your most challenging classes?”

We're sharing the lessons we learned from our most challenging classes and students. Give it a listen and see if our experiences resonate with your own.

Related Content:

Looking for some classroom management strategies to help you deal with your most challenging students? Check out this blog post.

In this YouTube video, we're sharing some classroom management strategies you can use at the secondary level for all your classes.

Come find us so we can chat some more!