How to Reset for a New Semester

Answers May Vary

Dec 21 2022 • 24 mins

We've all been there before. At some point during the fall semester, the wheels started coming off the bus, the train went off the tracks . . . fill in your favorite metaphor to describe the feeling of losing control of one (or more) of your classes here.  You decide the only hope you have for making it to the end of the year is a hard reset. Whether you're looking to refocus your students, or just to stop dissolving into tears as you drive to school each day, we've got some suggestions as to how you can make the best of a situation that has left you feeling hopeless.  We've got ideas about classroom management and making your workload more manageable. We hope you give it a listen, even if this year has been smooth sailing and no reset is needed (lucky you!).

Here are a few blog posts related to starting a new semester that you may find useful, especially if you're planning a semester reset:
Starting a New Semester: Engaging Students with High Interest Lessons
Working Through Goal Setting with Students
How to Create a Helpful Rubric (includes access to a daily assignment rubric template)

Come find us so we can chat some more!