Episodes #7: Creating Endless Writing Motivation

The Wayward Writers Podcast

Mar 9 2021 • 9 mins

I found myself getting stuck in another loop. Something just feels off about my story and I couldn't figure it out. Everything in the loose outline seemed solid enough. What it boiled down to was that while the scene was necessary to move the story forward, it was boring to write. If it was boring to write, then I know it would be boring to read.

The characters weren't making things happen in an interesting way. There were things I enjoyed in the story, but they weren't making it to the page in a way that was compelling to read about. So what did I do? I decided to make a motivation and story elements list. In this podcast episode, I'm going to tell you what a motivation list is and how to use it to elevate your writing and smash writers block once and for all.