Episode #6: Hack Your Writing Habits and Increase Your Word Count

The Wayward Writers Podcast

Mar 8 2021 • 17 mins

As a school psychologist, I know one of the ways to fast track success in anything is reinforcement. Writing is no different. You may have heard of reinforcement before such as positive and negative reinforcement. For writing, it can be a magnificent way to gain traction on your projects.

If you know, there's something wonderful is going to come out of writing,it can be intrinsic or something that is internally rewarding about writing. It can be external or extrinsic for all you psychology nerds out there.

Conventional writing and psychology will tell you the entrance rewards are the best. I would say that whatever gets you motivated to write is the best. Motivation can always change. Take one form of reinforcement and branch out from there. There's nothing wrong with having a tangible reward like seeing your book on shelves or making a good living from writing.