Ep. 155 - You Must First Be Willing to Look Stupid

The Art of Winning

May 3 2024 • 13 mins

Are you prepared to look foolish if it means surpassing your limits and achieving something truly remarkable?

In this thought-provoking episode, Ashton navigates the concept of embracing perceived foolishness as a stepping stone to success. Drawing from his own experiences in special operations and real estate investment, Ashton challenges listeners to reconsider who they take advice from and the importance of surrounding themselves with individuals who not only inspire but propel us towards our goals. Whether it's overcoming the fear of failure or the skepticism of peers, Ashton's insights encourage a radical rethinking of how we perceive advice and risks on our journey to personal and professional greatness.

[00:01 - 03:46] Embracing Risks and Judgment

  • Why it is key to have a willingness to appear foolish
  • The societal judgment surrounding ambitious endeavors
  • Ashton's experience with choosing challenging paths despite widespread skepticism

[03:47 - 06:36] Special Operations and Real Estate Ventures

  • Ashton's entry into special operations and the resistance he faced
  • Ashton's first real estate investment and the doubts expressed by friends
  • The importance of evaluating advice based on the advisor's experiences and success

[06:37 - 09:10] Signs of Being on the Right Path

  • How opposition can be a sign of pursuing something significant
  • Criticism as guidance rather than deterrents
  • Using skepticism as motivation to further research and reduce risks

[09:11 - 13:47] Building Networks for Success

  • The significance of surrounding oneself with successful individuals
  • How the company one keeps can influence personal success
  • Leveraging technology and resources to learn and grow

[00:08:17 - 13:47] Taking Action and Overcoming Fear

  • The essential step of taking action beyond planning and learning
  • Personal anecdotes about overcoming fear of judgment
  • Embrace challenges and seek environments that foster success

Key Quotes:

"If you want to be successful, you need to put yourself around successful people." - Ashton Levarek

"People do not take action because they're so afraid of looking stupid." - Ashton Levarek

Connect with Ashton!

Website: Valkere Investment Group

LinkedIn: Valkere Investment Group

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