Investing And The Impact Of Finances On Your Wellbeing

The Unbiased Podcast - Your Money, Your Future

Mar 16 2022 • 26 mins

Summary: Clare Francis, Savings & Investments Director, Wealth Management & Investments at Barclays joins Unbiased Founder Karen Barrett for the 7th episode of Season 1 to discuss Investing and the impact of finances on your wellbeing.

They discuss what is holding women back from investing, Clare’s career journey and where to start with investing.

Clare shares their insights on mental health problems and financial difficulty being interlinked so that either one can cause the other.

Connect with Clare Francis on LinkedIn

Connect with Karen Barrett on LinkedIn

Value Bombs:

  • It's only a minority of people in the UK that do invest. - Clare
  • Women can be reticent about investing. - Karen
  • Culturally and in society, investing is often commonly associated with men. - Clare
  • Having a mix of some money invested and some in cash savings is ideally what people should be aiming for. - Clare
  • You can't rely on the state provision and even with auto-enrolment and pension contributions, if you are only doing that, you'll probably find you haven't got that retirement at the end that you were envisaging. - Clare
  • Mental health problems and financial difficulty are so interlinked that either one can cause the other. - Clare


Shout Outs:

About Our Guests:

Clare Francis, Savings & Investments Director, Wealth Management & Investments, Barclays

A specialist in content, media and communications and a recognised personal finance expert.

With 15 years' experience as a financial journalist, as Head of Customer Engagement and Content, I am responsible for Barclays' direct investing content strategy focusing on how content supports customer engagement, acquisition and user experience.

A senior spokesperson covering topics related to savings and investments.

Expertise: Journalism, PR, Public Affairs, developing content strategies, content marketing.


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