From Pageants And Engineering To Deputy Mayor Of Reading, Ayo Takes On Investing, Multitasking And Barriers

The Unbiased Podcast - Your Money, Your Future

Feb 9 2022 • 31 mins

Summary: Ayo Sokale, Deputy Mayor of Reading joins Unbiased Founder Karen Barrett for the second episode of Season 1 to discuss her journey to success.

They discuss her start in pageants, how she maintains spinning so many plates whilst remaining positive and her move towards investing.

Ayo shares their insights on overcoming fears and the key takeaway from this episode is that there are challenges throughout life, but it's our attitude toward them that makes a difference.

Connect with Ayo Sokale on LinkedIn

Connect with Karen Barrett on LinkedIn

Value Bombs:

  • In terms of being successful, you're going to have to speak to people you're going to have to lead and in doing so you're probably going to be speaking in front of people. I think that the sooner you get that as a skill under your belt, the more successful you'll become and the more practice you get, the more confident you’ll become. - Karen
  • Running campaign as an elected counsellor is not so dissimilar from running a campaign to be a beauty queen. - Ayo
  • We talk about diversity, but actually what we should really be thinking about is how do we bring diverse ways of thinking and lived experiences. - Ayo
  • A STEM background definitely drives you to be numerical. - Ayo
  • 44% of savings were held by women prior to the pandemic in investments, and now that is up to 63%, so they're paying more attention to their money – Karen
  • Risk in a financial sense it means are you happy to lose all your money. At what percentage of your portfolio or your investment would you be happy to lose before you got completely scared. - Karen
  • Keep doing things that make you scared and eventually you’ll stop feeling that same level of fear. - Ayo


Keywords: Pageants, Investing, STEM, Challenge, Finance


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