Changing The Narrative for Women in Financial Confidence with Lottie Leefe

The Unbiased Podcast - Your Money, Your Future

Mar 30 2022 • 20 mins

Summary: Lottie Leefe, Founding Director of The Dura Society joins Unbiased Founder Karen Barrett for the 9th episode of Season 1 to discuss changing the narrative for women around financial confidence.

Lottie shares insights from her role at The Dura Society, they discuss crypto currency, finances and divorce, as well as the need for some women to take more action in their long-term financial decisions.

The key takeaway from this episode is that crypto should be part of everyone’s portfolio because it's not going anywhere anytime soon.

Connect with Lottie Leefe on LinkedIn

Connect with Karen Barrett on LinkedIn

Value Bombs:

  • I'm not going to sell products, I'm selling services and education. - Lottie
  • Unbiased deals with a lot of people who are making those big life decisions; planning for retirement, retirement, trusts, tax or buying a home - Karen
  • In my divorce specialisation, I focus on the practical side of this more than where do you go to invest. It's where do I sell my wedding dress? What should I do with all my jewellery? How do I get that value? What are my priorities when everything's up in the air? - Lottie
  • Many women don't talk about money, yet it's fundamental to wellbeing. - Karen
  • Women need to be taking more action in long term financial decisions. - Lottie
  • Crypto should be part of everyone’s portfolio because it's not going anywhere anytime soon. - Lottie
  • People are getting quite hesitant to invest in the stock market at the moment, because they're seeing that there doesn't seem to be that much logic going on behind the scenes and because it's so sensitive to behavioural impacts. - Lottie
  • When there are times of uncertainty, people go back to gold, but now it is Chanel and other tangible assets. - Karen
  • Become the CFO for your life; schedule yourself in on a quarterly basis is a minimum to have a financial review. - Lottie


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