Oliver Twist: Dressed in Debauchery (S02E08 Lost Protagonists)

Literature Done Juicy

Jan 7 2024 • 26 mins

Welcome back, literary enthusiasts, to another riveting episode of Literature Done Juicy! Your host, Jade Palmer, dives deep into the heart-wrenching world of Charles Dickens' classic, Oliver Twist.

In this eighth instalment of our second season, we cut through the expected and focus on Dickens' exploration of societal struggles in Victorian England. From the two-dimensional optimism of Oliver to the controversial portrayal of Fagin, and the enigmatic Nancy standing at the crossroads of good and evil, join me in dissecting the characters that bring this gritty narrative to life.

But it doesn't stop there. We unravel the layers of Dickens' thematic exploration, from the harsh realities of food and social class to the transformative power of shedding societal labels through a change in wardrobe. As we delve into the complexities of Victorian society, we draw intriguing parallels to contemporary issues.

Stay with us until the end, where we take a chilling detour into the dark alleys of Victorian London to discuss the mysterious figure of Jack the Ripper. From royal conspiracies to far-fetched alien abductions, we explore the fascinating theories that surround this enduring enigma.

Did Dickens Invent Christmas? - https://www.historyextra.com/period/victorian/charles-dickens-dickensian-christmas-carol-scrooge/

Dickens and Dress: Clothing and Class - https://www.integratingenglish.com/_files/ugd/2686af_6e2c0f2877d443eda016068fc3021e22.pdf#page=6

Fallen Women: The Popular Image of Female Suicide in Victorian England - https://www.uvic.ca/humanities/history/assets/docs/Honours Thesis - Deborah Deacon 2015 .pdf

Managing Status: How Luxury Brands Shape Class Subjectivities in the Service Encounter - https://www.jstor.org/stable/44879170

The changing practice of eating: evidence from UK time diaries, 1975 and 2000 - https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/54081245/j.1468-4446.2007.00138.x20170807-17654-1a0xlbh-libre.pdf?1502135451=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DThe_changing_practice_of_eating_evidence.pdf&Expires=1704167149&Signature=JNJE4N77~4DG9ACNXBONegbzZu08oCqhAhH4yhRqr9C4-6cgjAfLXYkmYgcLTg0xNnF9lr7hpXkUY6ZBuBSAzQrYoOv1OzTDJnmwTIxfafTSCILG3tg3JUniZRR0o90Ir84TdBqYwLa0VQgz5qYD

TW and SPOILERS for all episodes, listen at your own discretion.

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Thanks for tuning in to 'Literature Done Juicy'. Join us next time as we continue to explore the world of fiction through a refreshing lens. Until then, stay juicy!