Ep. 146 - 101 Reasons to Hire a Coach

The Bright Shiny Object Project

Jan 6 2023 • 46 mins

“A good coach will ask you to do things or think about things that you may have never been asked before,” explains host Cheri Ruskus. Hiring a coach is invaluable as you examine your business goals. As a coach to entrepreneurs herself, Cheri explores valuable business advice and how it can lead to further success.

Today, Cheri breaks down 101 reasons to hire a coach. A decent coach will help you gain referrals, provide marketing tips, and offer networking ideas. Although you may think you can do it all yourself, having a knowledgeable person available will give you the freedom and the confidence to do more. Whether you’re looking to change your mindset or brush up on a new skill, there are many reasons to make a coach part of your team.

With this new year ahead, make coaching part of your business plan. Learn more about what to avoid when hiring a coach, speaking benefits, not product features, and cutting out distractions.


  • “We can all do better with a coach by our side, whether you have one in your back pocket or you hire one. The good coaches are out there, and many change people's lives.” (3:38-3:52 | Cheri)
  • “Conduct business in an office that inspires you to do your best work.” (11:38-11:42 | Cheri)
  • “A good coach will ask you to do things or think about things that you may have never been asked before.” (26:53-27:02 | Cheri)
  • “Align your goals with your values so that you can own them.” (37:55-38:00 | Cheri)
  • “Any coach worth their weight will want to do an introductory strategy session to see if you're a good fit for each other.” (45:07-45:18 | Cheri)


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For a full list of the 101 Reasons to Hire a Coach email: cheri@businessvictories.com