Term 2A - Week 01 - Day 01 - Colors in Spanish!

Jump Into Spanish

May 6 2024 • 3 mins

¡Hola! We are starting a new term in Jump Into Spanish! This is the final term for me to post here on the podcast. (We have already posted Term 3A, 1B, 2B, 3B, & 1A.)

Our first week for Term 2A is all about review. Today's words: COLORS!

When you listen to the audio make sure you are repeating the word after me OUT LOUD. And BONUS if you can point to that color as you say it. This will really help your brain learn the word.

rojo | (ROH-hoh) | red
anaranjado | (ah-nah-rahn-HAH-doh) | orange
naranja | (nah-RAHN-hah) | orange
amarillo | (ah-mah-REE-yoh) | yellow
verde | (BEHR-day) | green
azul | (ah-SOOL) | blue
morado | (mohr-AH-doh) | purple
púrpura | (POOHR-poohr-ah) | purple
violeta | (bee-oh-LEH-tah) | violet/purple
rosado | (roh-SAH-doh) | pink
rosa | (ROH-sah) | pink
café | (kah-FAY) | brown
marrón | (mah-ROHN) | brown
negro | (NEH-groh) | black
blanco | (BLAHN-koh) | white
gris | (grees) | gray
claro | (KLAH-roh) | light
oscuro | (oh-SKOO-roh) | dark
brillante | (bree-YAHN-tay) | bright

Here's a YouTube playlist I made to help you practice!

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¡Hasta mañana! (Until tomorrow!)