"I'm the Fire, You're the Ice"

Married to the Startup

May 3 2024 • 39 mins

In this episode, Alicia and George McKenzie discuss various topics related to starting and running a business, the impact of social media on children, and financial advice for women. They emphasize the importance of follow-through and hard work in entrepreneurship and the need for consistency and persistence. They also highlight the negative effects of social media on children's development and the decline of play and independence. Additionally, they discuss the difference between financial advice for men and women and provide insights into investing in real estate and index funds.


  • Starting a business requires follow-through and hard work.
  • Social media can have a negative impact on children's development.
  • Financial advice should not be gendered and should focus on the basics of saving, investing, and planning.
  • Investing in real estate and index funds can be effective strategies for building wealth.


00:00 Introduction and Favorite Topics
00:31 Starting a Business vs. Keeping a Business Going
01:29 The Importance of Follow-Through and Hard Work
03:20 The Complexity of Operating a Business in Multiple States
04:17 The Mundane Tasks of Running a Business
05:14 The Importance of Consistency and Persistence
06:38 The Problem with Gendered Terms in Business
07:32 The Negative Impact of Social Media on Children
11:11 The Hostile Environment for Children's Development
13:03 The Decline of Play and Independence in Children
15:24 Financial Advice for Women
24:24 The Basics of Financial Advice
28:15 The Importance of Planning for Financial Success
31:05 Investing in Real Estate and Index Funds

Tony Robbins: These 3 Investments Will Make You Rich

End the Phone Based Childhood Now

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