1-19-24 | Ep 30 | 1% Growth

Sai’s Eyes

Jun 19 2024 • 8 mins

In this episode, I share how I've started off 2024, with writing, exercise, and learning.


I am a Life and Career Coach for young professionals looking to Live Life on Easy Mode. If you're feeling stuck, lonely, lost, and unfulfilled, then you've come across the right person. I want to make you feel growth, connectedness, clarity, and fulfillment. If you're interested, I have my 1x1 Coaching, Group Communities, and Free Content.

If you’d like to support my content creation journey, then go to my Ko-Fi page (https://ko-fi.com/saivasam) and give as much as you’d like.

My Easy Mode newsletter is published monthly. If you’d like to get my latest original frameworks, exercises, and theories straight to your inbox, then go to saivasam.com and subscribe.

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