Navy Seal, Author of 12 Books, Speaker, and Business Consultant Marty Strong Unveils How Resilient Teams Win in Crisis & Chaos (Episode 15)

Benjamin R. Lueck Leadership Podcast

May 29 2023 • 49 mins

In this episode, Benjamin talks with special guest Marty Strong about…

- The process of writing 9 fiction novels and 3 business books (02:18)

- The Navy Seal mindset for leading teams (12:30)

- How leaders should approach scaling, growing a brand rapidly, strategic pivots in the organization, addressing competitive threats, and other crisis scenarios (23:57)

- Planning for success when crisis and chaos are inevitable (29:45)

- The difference between optimization as a process vs. a business strategy (32:45)

- His 3 Step Process for accelerating leadership growth (38:14)

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Marty Strong is a retired Navy SEAL combat veteran, CEO, and serves on two corporate boards. He is a creativity and leadership consultant, motivational speaker, and the author of nine novels and two business leadership books; Be Nimble: How the Creative Navy SEAL Mindset Wins on the Battlefield and in Business released in January 2022 and Be Visionary: Strategic Leadership in the Age of Optimization, released January 2023.

Marty's suffered the loss of his oldest son, beat cancer twice, and has been shot at in a few exotic countries. He’s spent a lifetime meeting challenges head on, succeeding in three professions, anticipating crisis, and leading through chaos.

Connect with Marty at his website: Links to all his resources and books are available on his website as well.

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