30+ Year Leadership Expert Ray Campion and the Best Decision a Leader Can Make (Episode 7)

Benjamin R. Lueck Leadership Podcast

Mar 13 2023 • 53 mins

In this episode, Benjamin talks with special guest Ray Campion about…

- His leadership development background in the civil & infrastructure engineering industry with large railway projects (02:00)

- True active listening techniques (08:00)

- Employees as company resources (10:40)

- Complex project management & delivery (15:40)

- Diversity in the workplace and the consultant leader mindset (18:40)

- The role of culture & limiting beliefs in effective leadership (29:50)

>>> Grab the full show notes at https://priorityinitiative.com/s1e7-show-notes/.


Ray Campion has 30 years’ experience in regulated industry, delivering projects and developing and leading high-performing teams. An Executive Coach and Leadership Mentor, he is a member of the Board of Trustees for South Kent Mind and is dedicated to promoting wellbeing in the workplace.

He is a Learning Transactional Analyst in the Organizational field, studying in his advanced year at TA Works in Oxford, England and is a member of The Institute of Leadership and Management.

Want to connect with Ray? Check out his website at https://campionconsultants.uk/

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For additional leadership resources, connect with Benjamin on social media: https://priorityinitiative.com/connect