3 Step Strategy To Land Your First or Next Deal Done! Lessons Learned From a Breast Cancer Survivor

W.I.R.E.D. (Wealth In Real Estate Development)

Oct 5 2023 • 17 mins

October is breast cancer awareness month.  Therefore, in this episode of Wealth In Real Estate Development (W.I.R.E.D.) host Nick Smith discusses his mom's recent battle with breast cancer (which she won!) and the business lessons he learned from it.

Nick uses the acronym "APE" as the title of the strategy to get you to your real estate development and investing goals.  A - Acknowledge, P - Plan, and E - Execute.

You first have to acknowledge where you are on in your investing journey.  Next you have to plan for where you want to go.  And lastly, you MUST execute the plan!

If you'd like to connect with host Nick Smith about any of your development or commercial real estate goals, please feel free to email him at nicholas.smith@cbrealty.com