When Housing Development and Ministry Intersect with J. Calaway - Part 1

W.I.R.E.D. (Wealth In Real Estate Development)

Jan 15 2024 • 22 mins

In this episode of Wealth In Real Estate Development WIRED), host Nick Smith interviews J. Calaway, Senior Pastor of the Gate Church in Hammond, Indiana and Founder/ President of InnerMission, Inc.

Pastor Calaway has been at the Gate for 35 years.  After 3 years of serving as the Youth Minister, he became the Senior Pastor.  From his perspective, the church should be more than a meeting place 1 day of the week.  But it should be more of a practice field where people learn "plays," and deploy those out into the community.

He discusses how the organization, InnerMission, Inc., originated.  And that its mission is to take a person from "Surviving to Thriving" in every aspect of their life.  And housing is a foundational component to this process.

Pastor Calaway shares a moving experience he had while walking around some vacant land that surrounded the church.  This served as a defining moment in his life.

This is part 1 of this interview.  Be sure to also check out part 2!  And if you'd like to learn more about Pastor Calaway and/ or InnerMission, please check out their website.
