When Housing Development and Ministry Intersect with J. Calaway - Part 2

W.I.R.E.D. (Wealth In Real Estate Development)

Jan 22 2024 • 34 mins

In Part 2 of the interview with J. Calaway with The Gate Church and InnerMission, Inc. of Hammond, IN, the importance of "Who" not "How" is discussed.  He talks about he struggled with this concept early on but has come to value its significance now.

He also talks about an experience he had with his introduction to the Section 8 program.  Though there are many different opinions about the Section 8 program, he sees it as just one of many tools that can be used to help a person move from Surviving to Thriving.

Pastor Calaway also discusses some of the challanges he has faced in doing real estate development, primarily during the crash of 2008.  And he ends the interview giving advice to any individuals that want to break into the real estate development arena while making community and social impact.

If you'd like to learn more about J. Calaway and/ or InnnerMission, Inc., please visit their website: www.InnerMissionInc.com.