EP 38: Druid, Folk, and Noir, Featuring Olivia Harding

Future Best Seller

Mar 11 2024 • 1 hr 17 mins

Musician, author, podcasters, and all around amazing artist Olivia Harding joins the show this week! You may know Olivia as Liv the Druid from the band, Music the Gathering, but she is also the host of the podcast Folk Files, where she dives into the history of famous folk songs. She is also a member of the band Gumshoe Noir, and recently took pen to paper to write a novel to their tunes.

Music the Gathering

Folk Files

Gumshoe Noir



  • Vellum & Atticus & the joys of formatting

Creatives on F.I.R.E.:

  • Cross branding
  • Debt

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