Are you micromanaging the universe?

The podcast for soulful women in business

Apr 4 2022 • 12 mins

Are you playing god?

Manifestation and using the principles of the universal laws can often leave you feeling frustrated if you are giving what you want timelines and ultimatums. This usually comes from not being able to trust that what you want is coming.

In this episode, I talk and give you the steps to manifest in god/the universe's timing.

The world is designed to distract us, with technology, food, sex, drugs we are moving so fast. This creates stress on the body and when we are stressed with are in a state of mind called super beta, when we are here we don't notice signs that are steering us to what we want.

Our feelings and intuition is the navigation system if you are suppressing them then you are missing the guidance and prolonging your manifestation.

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