How to use your menstrual cycle to transform your life connecting with your wild woman archetype.

The podcast for soulful women in business

May 28 2022 • 18 mins

In this raw episode, I explain what the wild woman archetype and what it is showing you if you can learn to connect with it and alchemise it.

I talk about how I have deepened my spiritual practice by connecting with my menstrual cycle and my inner wild woman which is surrendering the old hurts and limiting beliefs.

The Wild Woman,

Honors the tunes and tones of her bodies natural rhythms,

Whose mystic brilliance awakens in all of us,


She swims naked in the ocean,

and dances fully in the setting sun,

A soft and subtle resilience,

birthed from the kinship of her shadows,

She bows and thrives, through the understanding of her own grace,

Her sensitivities morph into her superpowers,

Bravely choosing to move out of the cold, brisk storms,

Humble to recognize what kept her.

The doors close to the Wild Woman Inner Tribe 1st June if you feel your wild woman calling and want to join in a collective of women learning to surrender and alchemise, join HERE or if it is after the date join the waitlist HERE.

Download your gift E-Book - How to use your menstral cycle to manifest magic here

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