The Power of Trusting Your Vision and Intuition as an Entrepreneur - With Guest Claire Garner - Empowerment Speaker & Mentor

The podcast for soulful women in business

Nov 29 2023 • 31 mins

Claire Garner shares her journey from an abusive relationship and struggling business to completely transforming her life by trusting her intuition, embracing spirituality and manifesting success. She launched her empowerment brand Phoenix, focusing on helping women step into their power. Claire emphasises how meditation was key to slowing down, trusting the process, releasing control and ultimately achieving exponential growth and living the life of her dreams.

In this episode we look at the cyclical cycles of death and rebirth we go through to learn and grow, becoming the teachers who can guide others from our experiences good and bad. Claire will be coming into The business membership for soulful women in January to teach some tips to improve the structure of your speaking skills to convert in sales and attract raving fans  she has learned under Lisa Nichols.

We would love to invite you to join us at the pre sale rate:

Connect with Claire:
Quntum leap to sucsess:

Do you feel called to step into 2024 together as part of
The Business Club for Soulful Women.
Access to a community of leaders who are paving the way for the soul-led space.

Access to six months of activation, embodiment, and what it takes to become an authority as a leader in your field.

Unlock your money story and learn strategies that will increase sales and call in consistent clients.

The exact daily rituals and practices that increase my ability to receive, only working four days a week.

Book club and a new theme each month to enhance money mindset and visibility in your soul-led business.

This is an opportunity to access The Who, the What, and THE HOW.

No one is sharing this information the way that I do: Standing in your power as a woman unapologetically with your hormones. This is the thing that will change everything for you.

Don't walk, run to continue in my world and the magic starting in January.

Connect with me your host: Laura Beddoe-Collins.