Trailer - A Cup of Something Lovely

A Cup of Something Lovely

Jan 10 2023 • 5 mins

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A Cup of Something Lovely is a fortnightly creative business podcast.

I’m your podcast host, Laura Greenland, a thirty-something, former digital nomad, currently living in the south west of the United Kingdom with my husband Karl, and our lovely German shepherd Bear. I’ve been running my beautiful business since the end of 2019 and went full-time in March 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Having spent over ten years working in the corporate world, between digital marketing agencies and in-house for brands, managing marketing teams and departments, I was more than ready to take the leap into my own venture.

However, the pandemic caused me to leap a little sooner than I had intended! But truly, it was the best thing that could have happened to me. The business is thriving and this, combined with our adventures as van lifers for a year and a half, have left us in the best financial position we’ve ever been in.

We’ve supported over 120 entrepreneurs around the world over the last three years. Whether it’s via 1:1 support and coaching, in our beautiful membership space or at one of our in-person retreats, it’s always the most wonderful experience that brings an incredible amount of job satisfaction.

The podcast will bring you a brand new episode every two weeks, with a hybrid of solo episodes and hand-picked guests joining us for magical, aligned interviews. I’ll be covering a broad range of business topics, taking a holistic approach to helping you build a truly soulful brand, much like I do when I work with my clients. Marketing, messaging, sales, business structures, finances, , resource management, mindset - no topics are off the table as they’re all crucial to securing sustainable success. And we’ll of course be digging into recovering from corporate conditioning, whilst creating a freedom-fuelled life and business.

You’ll also be able to submit questions about your business to me via Instagram to feature the creative business clinic, a Q&A segment that will feature at the end of each episode. You can catch that from episode four onwards.

Keep listening for a few snippets from future episodes to get a flavour of what to expect. I hope you’ll subscribe and please, enjoy the podcast!