#131: Deepak Chopra's 7th Spiritual Law of Success - The Law of Dharma or Purpose in Life

Every Day A New Thought

Sep 3 2023 • 5 mins

Ready to unlock the key to true affluence and discover your unique purpose in life? Promise yourself this transformative journey as we wrap up our enlightening series on Deepak Chopra's Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, focusing on the seventh law - the Law of Dharma. This profound law reminds us that we each possess a unique talent and a unique way of expressing it, something that sets us apart from the rest of the world. When we harness this talent to fulfill a unique set of needs, we step onto the path to true affluence.

Our exploration of the Law of Dharma will take you through its three components - discovering our higher self, expressing our unique talents, and dedicating our service to humanity. We'll also share practical ways to incorporate this law into our daily lives. Deepak teaches us to focus on our spiritual practice, recognize our unique talents, and shift our perspective from 'what's in it for me?' to 'how can I help?'. The ultimate goal? To experience our lives as a miraculous expression of divinity, and to uncover true joy and the meaning of success. So, don't just listen - engage and embark on the exciting journey of discovering and fulfilling our true purpose in life.

All the episodes in the series are here:

#099: Deepak Chopra's 1st Spiritual Law of Success - The Law of Pure Potentiality
#106: Deepak Chopra's 2nd Spiritual Law of Success - The Law of Giving
#113: Deepak Chopra's 3rd Spiritual Law of Success - The Law of Karma
#120: Deepak Chopra's 4th Spiritual Law of Success - The Law of Least Effort
#125: Deepak Chopra's 5th Spiritual Law of Success - The Law of Intention and Desire
#130: Deepak Chopra's 6th Spiritual Law of Success - The Law of Detachment

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