#136: T.G.I.TED - Exploring the Call to Learn, Teach, and Maintain Perpetual Curiosity

Every Day A New Thought

Sep 8 2023 • 7 mins

You reach a point in life, and you think to yourself, I’ve done everything I want to do in life. But have you? I just watched a TED talk that’s made me re-evaluate how I look at what’s mine to do. And I talk about it in today’s episode.

Clifford Stoll is an astronomer, physicist, and educator extraordinaire. In this episode, l venture into the depths of his dynamic TED Talk, "The Call to Learn."

Today, I share my three major takeaways that reshaped my perspective on teaching, learning, and the beauty of perpetual curiosity.

In this episode, I also mention a FREE four-video training series I created that will help you develop a sense of what's next for you.

As an empty nester parent, I know there’s a tendency to look back to what we’ve accomplished. We raised a kid or kids, and send them out into the world. But I’m not going to be a parent again. And I don’t want to sit around and wait to be grandparent. I want to go out and do something else. If you’re like me, you might be trying to decide what’s next for yourself. I’ve created this four-part video series where I talk about how to figure out what’s next for you. It’s free:


Stoll's TED Talk is a captivating whirlwind, showcasing his unique approach to inspire young minds and demonstrating hands-on how learning science can be an exciting, fun-filled adventure.

Here's the link for Stoll's TED talk.

As I mentioned, you can watch MY TEDx talk here:


Here's the other talk in this T.G.I.TED series:

#118: T.G.I.TED - The Hidden Power of Smiling
#123: T.G.I.TED - Visualization and Breathing Air From The Future
#128: T.G.I.TED - How to Reframe What "Failing" Means
#129: T.G.I.TED - Challenging the Myths: Age and Success

As always, thanks for listening!

You can find me here:

WEBSITE: https://www.thorchallgren.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/thorchallgren