#144: Unpacking The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles - The Power of Thought and Action in Chapter 11

Every Day A New Thought

Sep 20 2023 • 5 mins

Can mere thoughts alone bring riches, or is action an essential ingredient for success?

In this episode, I explore Chapter 11 of Wallace D. Wattles' timeless book, "The Science of Getting Rich," written over a century ago.

I delve into the question of whether thoughts can manifest wealth independently or if they must be coupled with personal action.

The key takeaway here is that thought and action must go hand in hand to achieve prosperity. I elaborate on Wattles' emphasis on not dwelling in the future but rather concentrating on the present and taking action in your current circumstances.

By tuning in, you'll gain valuable insights into how combining thought and action can help you manifest your desires and enhance your life.

You find the first two episodes in the series here:

#142: Unpacking The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles - Chapter 4
#143: Unpacking The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles - Chapter 7

You can find Wattles' book here:

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IG: https://www.instagram.com/thorchallgren