Vision for growing an inspirational learning community

EdTech Shared

Apr 13 2022 • 27 mins

Linda catches up with Tim Clarke on the expansion of Cornerstone primary school in the UK.

The digital development of his school is one of the examples of how his staff have pulled together as a team to drive the development of a learning community, focused around their core values.

Tim  is Headteacher of Cornerstone CE Primary in Hampshire (UK) and has been teaching and learning for over 25 years. Cornerstone is a Microsoft Showcase School: and focuses on 'learning always and all ways'.

Tim is an MIE Expert, an MIE Master Trainer, and a Microsoft Certified Educator.

He blogs about educational leadership and learning at

Cornerstone is focused on 'Growing an Inspirational Learning Community.'

They define this as:

  • Together, inspiring a love of learning;
  • Encouraging and empowering partnerships;
  • Nurturing a Growth Mindset.

You can find Al at and Linda at