Evaluating Your local RV Rental Market Potential

RV Rental Secrets

Mar 25 2024 • 9 mins

In the latest episode of the RV Rental Secrets Podcast, host Stacy Maxon delves into the crucial task of evaluating the potential for RV rental businesses in local markets. Aimed at those intrigued by the prospect of starting or expanding their RV rental ventures, Maxon offers a roadmap for assessing market viability. The episode kicks off with the fundamental step of researching local campgrounds via platforms like Goodsam.com, emphasizing the importance of availability for RV delivery within a specified radius. This initial check acts as a litmus test for gauging demand for RV rentals.

Further exploration involves identifying local events such as music festivals, fairs, and horse shows, which may necessitate RV rentals. State parks, national parks, and private campgrounds also emerge as potential demand hotspots. Maxon underscores the significance of RV storage and repair facilities, suggesting that their prevalence indicates both the popularity of RVs in the area and potential business partnerships. These facilities not only provide logistical solutions but can also be sources for expanding rental fleets through connections with RV owners.

Additionally, the presence of RV dealers signals a healthy interest in RVing within the area, potentially translating to a receptive market for rentals. Maxon shares her personal experience of starting in a rural setting, demonstrating that distance to attractions, while a factor in determining delivery fees, should not deter potential business operators.

The episode also stresses the importance of identifying tourist destinations and attractions that could drive rental demand. Websites like TripAdvisor.com become valuable resources for uncovering what draws visitors to the area. Maxon encourages listeners to think beyond their immediate vicinity, considering attractions within a broader radius that could influence the success of an RV rental business.

A critical aspect of market evaluation involves analyzing competition through platforms like RV Share and Outdoorsy. Maxon advises on examining the number of listings, their activity level, and differentiating factors that can set a new rental business apart. Assessing rental rates and booking patterns provides further insights into market demand and competitive positioning.

Concluding with a valuable offer, Maxon invites listeners to request a market research report, compiled by her team, to assist in their market evaluation efforts.


As the RV rental season approaches, she motivates her audience to capitalize on the opportunity to launch or grow their RV rental business, promising more insights in next week's episode.