EP 236: Expectations are the Root of All Suffering & Heartache

The Bridge to Fulfillment

Sep 21 2023 • 7 mins

Do you worry that the things you want in life might not be possible for you?

It’s easy to fall into the trap of imagining exactly what “success” should look like. But, when you have too much faith in the plan, it’s hard to trust the process.

And when unexpected things show up for you, you might not recognize them as gifts.

Today on The Bridge to Fulfillment Ⓡ, Blake explains why our expectations are actually at the root of all suffering and heartache. When we let go and leave space for the process, that’s where the magic happens.

In this episode, you’ll learn why creating expectations of what we think success should look like masks the real opportunities that show up unexpectedly. You’ll hear why leaving space for things that might fall outside of your best-laid plans is actually where the alignment happens.

So if what you imagined to be “success” feels hard, then remember…

It’s not impossibility that’s holding you back. The real culprit is your expectations.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The problem with creating expectations (1:33)

  • Why you have to love the process (3:12)

  • What happens when you leave space for the unexpected (3:46)

  • How to trust the process and find your North Star (4:30)

  • Why success feels so hard (5:48)

Favorite Quotes:

  1. “I’ve learned that when I take small actions aligned with my Northstar values and allow space for unexpected gifts, new learnings, and new doorways to open, amazing, wonderful things show up.”

  2. “If you don't love your process every day, you'll never achieve what you want to achieve.”

  3. “The reason it seems like we have to work so hard is because we're pushing and forcing. We're not able to see the opportunities because we've already decided how it has to look.”

  4. “Be receptive to what shows up. You may very well find beauty, opportunity and far more possibility than you ever thought was out there.”

Additional Resources:

For programs and opportunities to work with Blake, go to www.BlakeSchofield.com