S2E16: A Thanksgiving Christmas and Elijah’s Chair

The Pin Tool Podcast | Pottery | Ceramics | Small Business

Dec 24 2023 • 29 mins

A Creek Road Pottery LLC update and a holiday story: "The heavy-loaded train slowed its speed as it entered the little sleepy town of Laceyville, Pennsylvania. Its loud horn echoed across the river, through the corn fields, and over the mountainside as it entered the straits. Hobo Smoky tossed off his pack from a gently rocking sander car, then made the light jump and roll to the ground on the hard railroad gravel. The train cars clicked and squeaked by as Smoky brushed himself off and then walked back to find his pack."  ...read more here. If you enjoyed this story I wrote and love pottery, sign up for our newsletter and become a raging fan.

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