Zero Degrees (0º) Intro

Zero Degrees (0º)

Sep 9 2022 • 17 mins

What's in it for you?

You get the amazing experience of learning something new with us, together — perhaps multiple things! — every single episode. And yes, that’s right folks, there is NO TEST. There is nobody telling you to memorize anything or you won’t be able to get into the school you want. There is no failing. We don’t give out F’s. Except for the occasional, "frick." We just want people to be curious, ask questions, and not be afraid to learn. Our universe is fascinating, and everybody deserves to live in a reality where they can ENJOY learning about physics, chemistry, and biology without wanting to scream into oblivion.

Want to know a little more about us?

You may know Gabriel Brown (Black Gryph0n) from his YouTube channel, his spot-on musical and character impressions, his original music (IMmortal, Diamond, Insane, etc.), his voice-over gigs (Hazbin Hotel, Billy Bust Up), or even from his time on America's Got Talent (The Brown Brothers, S17). But did you know that he has built his own ultralight aircraft? In his free time, he flies, designs and builds rocket-launchers, tesla coils, and FPV quadcopters, and sets off a ridiculously large amount of explosives. His fast-paced brain and world revolves around science and engineering, which sometimes can make communication with people who don’t work or think that way quite difficult — y'know, the people who don’t know how orbital mechanics works and who definitely don’t use it as a daily phrase. Which brings us to our second host! 😉

Claire Margaret Corlett is an actor and writer, primarily known for her voice work on shows like My Little Pony, Dinosaur Train, Bob The Builder, and a number of Barbie movies. In her free time, she loves to work with animals and kids, write screenplays, and edit videos. She has a passion for helping others - always eager to try to learn new things while simultaneously and very outwardly making a fool of herself, to spread positivity during ugly personal matters, and most importantly... to give a comedic spin on any kind of situation. She is fascinated by humans - from their emotions and upbringings to their crazy stories and wisdom.

In summation: Gabe is good at the stuff Claire is not. Claire is good at the stuff Gabe is not. They are in love with one another for these reasons and more.

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