Tech for Good: Engineering a Safer Future for Students with Nelson Lee from Haven Safe

Pitch Please

Feb 19 2024 • 47 mins

Eager to see how innovation can redefine campus safety? Join us as we chat with Nelson Lee, the mastermind behind Haven, the game-changing app designed to enhance safety and security for academic institutions.

From his engineering roots to the personal motivation spurred by a friend's tragic experience, Nelson's journey to developing Haven is a testament to his dedication to social change. Throughout this episode, we explore the app's evolution from a simple safety tool to a comprehensive educational platform that empowers users with knowledge on consent and preventive measures.

Dive into this episode to uncover Nelson Lee's inspiring story, the intricate development of Haven, and the profound impact it's making on campuses across Canada. Whether you're passionate about technology, education, or social change, this story of innovation and impact is not to be missed. Tune in now!

About Nelson Lee  | (20) Nelson Lee | LinkedIn
Nelson Lee has a personal mission to enable positive social change. Early in his engineering career, he decided to tackle the high rate of assaults at post-secondary institutions by developing Haven, a campus security app. Haven is now licensed by a growing base of North American universities, with ongoing development and upgrades to meet a broad range of institutional goals.

Haven brought Nelson early but important recognition in the form of the Adel S. Sedra Award, the University of Toronto Engineering Leadership Award, and the prestigious University of Toronto 5T3 Engineering Award, worth over $30,000. Nelson’s work attracted this attention because his unique approach to Haven’s design encourages users to become familiar with the app, learn from it, and be prepared. The app can connect directly to campus security, but also offers intermediate steps and support including educational content on consent and domestic violence, plus specific topics customized to each school’s needs.

Nelson is actively involved in the life of his own alma mater, the University of Toronto, where he volunteers on the Governing Council, overseeing the University’s $3B operating budget.

Prior to launching Haven, Nelson lived in San Francisco and worked in Full Stack Engineering at Hearth, a Series B startup.

About Haven | (20) Haven: Overview | LinkedIn
Haven is a comprehensive safety platform that fortifies school communities by unifying students, universities, and first responders in real time. Haven is a singular, user-centric tool that integrates safety, education, and community. Embraced by educational institutions across Canada, Haven delivers an array of safety features such as emergency SOS, location sharing, geo-tagging, and customized push notifications.

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If you know of any schools or organizations that would like to learn more about how Haven can make their communities safer, please provide us with a warm introduction and CC me at