Exploring AI and the Future of Education Tech with Samit Khalsa from Penseum

Pitch Please

Mar 18 2024 • 46 mins

Are you tired of one-size-fits-all study methods that just don't cut it? This episode of Pitch Please introduces us to Samit Khalsa, the mind behind Penseum, a platform aiming to redefine the EdTech landscape. Samit discusses the inception of Penseum, focusing on the platform's mission to tailor education to individual student needs through AI. He explains how Penseum transforms study materials into interactive, personalized learning experiences, moving away from the traditional one-size-fits-all education model. Penseum's approach, which includes personalized study modules, AI-generated quizzes, and flashcards, is highlighted as a significant advancement in facilitating effective learning.

Samit's story offers insights into the entrepreneurial journey within the edtech space, shedding light on both the technological and pedagogical aspects of Penseum. This episode is a resource for educators, students, and anyone interested in the intersection of technology and education!

About Samit Khalsa  | Samit Khalsa | LinkedIn
Meet Samit, an avid techie and two-time founder, who introduces himself with a unique pronunciation: "Summit." His life's passion is education, and it's a fire that burns deep within him.

Samit's latest venture, Penseum, isn't just a company; it's an extension of his vision to change the way we learn and teach. He's not one to follow the status quo, and Penseum reflects his commitment to breaking free from the one-size-fits-all approach to education.

About Penseum | Penseum: | LinkedIn
Penseum is changing the way students learn one customization at a time. With a vision to replace one-size-fits-all education, Penseum's AI-powered platform turns study materials into interactive guides, quizzes, and flashcards, tailored to each student's needs. From high school to higher education, Penseum is redefining learning experiences, making them more engaging, effective, and inclusive. Join us on this journey to promote deeper understanding and make education accessible to all!

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