E54 Brenda Tjaden - A Deep Dive into Regenerative Ag, Price Transparency and Sustainable Farming Models

Farmers Capital Conversations

Dec 27 2023 • 59 mins

With a background in agricultural economics and extensive experience in commodity grain market analysis, Brenda provides invaluable insights into the evolving landscape of sustainable farming practices, government incentives, and the transformative impact of regenerative agriculture on both environmental and economic fronts. Her unique perspective and deep understanding of the industry make her an exceptional guest for exploring the future of agriculture, the challenges faced by farmers, and innovative solutions in the changing agricultural paradigm.

Episode highlights:

  • The On-Farm Climate Action Fund in Canada
  • Carbon Tax and Market Access
  • Navigating a Changing Industry
  • The Rise of Regional Meat Distribution
  • Farmer's Markets: A Viable Business Model
  • Price Transparency

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