Work Life Balance. We've all heard the term, and many of us are on the search for it. We actively seek out jobs and routines that help us find more balance in our lives between work and family.

But there's a drawback to the concept of work life balance, and that is how quickly it leads us to compartmentalizing and black and white thinking.

Work life balance is subjective and difficult to quantify, making it that much harder to achieve. What's more, even when we do get to this equilibrium, the teeter totter doesn't stay steady for long. When we get out of balance, we can often feel like failures. and white thinking.

In today's episode, I explain a new concept: Work Life Blend. A more complete and attainable approach to juggling the duality of work and motherhood. One that removes the black and white thinking and sets up working moms for success.

Ready to finally get more out of your life and embrace Work Life BLEND? If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here.


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If you're ready to create the work life blend you've always dreamed of, I'm here for you! Grab time on my calendar for coaching here.