How To Navigate Ambivalent Relationships - Vanessa Van Edwards

The Better Questions

Sep 1 2022 • 31 mins

"Ambivalence is more dangerous and worse for your health and relationships than toxicity. The research is very clear on this — it takes so much more energy to be in ambivalent relationships."

Vanessa Van Edwards is the author of the bestselling book Captivate, which has been translated into 17 languages and examines how people tick by decoding their body language and behavior patterns. Her new book Cues studies what makes a person charismatic.

Vanessa is also the founder of Science of People, a human behavior research lab that studies the way people operate. The findings from her research are published on the lab’s YouTube channel, which has received over 50 million views.

We discuss:

  • The number one question you should ask to gauge the health of your relationships
  • Vanessa's personal cure for people-pleasing
  • How to improve your voice and delivery skills
  • What question never to ask when sending emails

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