2: The POWER of starting without a plan

Like You Mean It

Feb 21 2024 • 15 mins

Everyone starts somewhere, and this episode proves just that.

This episode was my first ever recording for ‘the podcast,’ before I had ANY plan whatsoever.

No podcast name.

No microphone.

No editing software or hosting platforms.

No idea what the heck I was really doing!

Yet, in sitting down, hitting record and DOING THE THING, I UNLOCKED POWERFUL tools, codes and possibilities…which is exactly what happens when YOU hit go on yourself, even without a big plan.

You’ll hear about:

  • getting started without a plan
  • creating evidence for your unconscious mind
  • courage and confidence codes
  • proving your ‘worst case scenario’ wrong

& more powerful takeaways to feel activated and actually take action in the direction of what it is you truly desire.

Hit PLAY on this episode and watch how fast you’ll be hitting PLAY on YOU and your own goals!

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