Talking "Time Limited Events" and Creating an Uneven Playing Field with RealtyHive CEO Wade T. Micoley

Brokerage Insider

Jul 12 2021 • 47 mins

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Welcome to brokerage insider the podcast where we interview the leaders in real estate and technology. I'm your host Britt Chester director of client success at Travis. And today we have veteran agent and broker Wade . McColey Wade. Thanks for joining us today. Thank you. Thanks so much for having me.

Wait, where are you? Where are you joining us from? Where are you based? We are located in green bay, Wisconsin. And how was the weather in green bay right now? Rainy. It's been very nice, but it is raining now, but we, we appreciate even the warm, rainy days after a few months of I can definitely imagine that wait, you've got quite the resume, you know, when we were just kind of talking a little bit, we'd got, got Realty high, you got cash certified.

Tell me a little bit about your history getting into real estate and just kind of give our listeners and audience, you know, a little bit of your back. Sure. Well, I Fell in love with real estate pretty early on in my, in my, in my life. And one of the things that intrigued me so much about real estate is formerly before that I was in a rock band and Doing a little bit of small touring and realize that boy, this is a tough way to make a living.

Cause we weren't, you're going to become the rolling stones by any means. And had a brother-in-law that was in real estate and kind of watched it and thought, okay, this looks interesting. And he approached me and I got into real estate fairly young when I was about 2021. And just absolutely fell in love with it and maybe a little bit for the wrong reason, but I thought houses were cool and really, really enjoy the fact when it, when the light bell went off for me light bulb went off for me.

It was really about the fact that I didn't know anywhere where I could make. The kind of money that I wanted to make. And what I mean by that is in real estate, there's really no ceiling. I mean, you, you set your own ceiling and real estate, you can make as much or as little as you want by just, you know, getting really efficient, working hard, having good systems.

So that's what launched me into it. I was, I started a couple of different real estate companies sold those was number three for close transactions for a major franchise. And just, that led me to all kinds of really cool opportunities. And that's another thing that I always loved about real estate was the opportunities that it can lead you into if you become really good and known as being really good.

So that led me into. The banking industry, which I helped co-found Nikolay national bank and it's now publicly traded a $7 billion company. That's done extremely well, a lot of talent around that, that wasn't just me by any means. But then when the crash came in 2009, 2010, I saw really quickly that community banks and banks needed a system to help promote their properties in a new way globally.

So fast forward through that, we worked with banks in 38 states. I'm always hiring local agents as our reps. We still do that work today. Then got a opportunity to work for the federal, with the federal government selling assets for the federal government and that morphed into. Realty I've been cash defied today.

Yeah. And I was able to look around on Realty hive. I think, you know, one of the things, and we had mentioned this before you're licensed in nearly all 50 states. And, you know, again, that, that thing that stands out is, is that continuing ed continuing education and, and what all that takes. But can I talk about, you know, why, why you're licensed in so many places and then how that kind of speaks to Realty hive and, and the business.
