Dealing With Trauma and the Remarkable Story of Tony Dell.

The Complete Men Podcast

Sep 2 2023 • 33 mins

In this episode Paul will talk about what trauma is and how it affects people in different ways and what some of the causes of trauma are. Paul will also discuss
- emotional and psychological trauma and how it is caused by one-time events and ongoing, relentless stress.
- times when Paul has experienced some trauma and what helped him dealing with trauma.
- emotional and physical symptoms of trauma
- how one who suffers trauma can receive help and live a productive life
- the remarkable story of Tony Dell, a former Australian Cricketer who served in the army in the Vietnam War and his many years of living with undiagnosed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from his time on the battlefield. He is now playing a tremendous role in raising awareness of PTSD in the community.
Paul will also discuss some Types of Treatment available for Trauma.
1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
2. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or EMDR
3. Somatic Therapies eg, acupoint stimulation, Reiki, sensorimotor psychotherapy.
4. Medications to help with anxiety, sleep, depression.
5. Self care eg, exercise, healthy diet, avoiding alcohol and drugs.
6. Mindfullness
7. Connecting with others and seeking support eg, support groups such as Complete Men.
3.Podcast ‘once upon a time in the ashes, episode 9, tony dell’, 4/6/2021
4.One voice ‘tony dell lived experience 2021’, n.d. ‘tony dell’s journey from ashes debutant to ptsd victim of vietnam war exported in new book’, by greg milam, 24/6/2021.
6.Twice shot ‘stand tall’, by tony dell founder of 17/10/2017.
7.The footyalmanac. Write from the heart. ‘Almanac life: tony dell-soldier in a baggy green finds peace at last’, by ron reed, 29/6/2021..
8. 'emotional and psycological trauma', by Lawrence Robinson, Melinda Smith M.A and Jeanne Segal Ph.D 6/6/23.
9. American Psychological Association 'Trauma', August 2022.
10. Four '5 Australian Immigration Success Stories', n.d
Intro music- Thrive by All Good Folks from album Music Vine
Outro music- Revelations by Richard Smithson.