Facing Your Fears

The Complete Men Podcast

May 9 2023 • 20 mins

In this episode, Paul would talk about how our fears can hold us back in life and stop us from chasing and going after our dreams and living the life we want to live. Paul will give a personal account of some of the major fears he has experienced in his life and what he has found helpful in dealing with these fears eg, OCD, public speaking. Paul will also discuss some of the following
- what a fear is and how when one feels fear it means they are reaching the edge of their comfort zone.
- how fear is brought on by a threat of danger, harm or pain and that most of what we fear does not kill us and does not cause us any real harm.
- different types of fear eg, immediate, imagined and what is at the centre of fear eg, fear of failure.
- how avoiding our fears really causes more anxiety.
- examples of some famous people who never gave up and faced their fears.
- how a phobia can develop when fears become ongoing and irrational. eg, social phobia.
- how methods such as cognitive behavioral therapy are very helpful in dealing with fear and phobias.
- some useful strategies/tips on dealing with fear such as making an action plan, practicing mindfulness, deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation and finding humor.


  1. Fifteen highly successful people who failed before succeeding, success mindset, lifehack.org. By Sebastian kipmah. 26/9/2022.
  2. https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/facing-and-overcoming-fears, June 2022.
  3. https://psychcentral.com/health/how-to-face-your-fears. “6 healthy coping strategies to face your fears”.26/7/2022.
  4. The mindset mentor podcast, by rob dial. 2022. “How to get over fear of failure”.
  5. https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/mindfulness-can-help-you-tame-fears-and-worries 15/12/2022.