
The Complete Men Podcast

Jun 6 2023 • 19 mins

In this episode Paul will discuss the topic of Forgiveness and how if one doesn't forgive they will tend to carry feelings of anger, bitterness inside them and find it difficult to move on and live a more productive, peaceful life. Some of what Paul will discuss include
- where he has moments in his life where he has been confronted with having to forgive and when he hasn't and held grudges it would affect his relationships with others and affected his ability to enjoy the present.
- how one has many "hearts of the matter", moments in their lives where they are confronted with deciding whether to forgive or not. eg, a lost love, broken friendship.
- by choosing to forgive it improve one's physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
- how forgiveness involves time, patience and grace.
- why people choose not to forgive eg, it feels unfair and feels good.
- how some people are naturally more forgiving than others
- by not choosing to forgive and being wrapped up in the wrong it can disconnect one from others eg, family and friends, and can make one depressed, irritable and anxious.
- how forgiving and forgetting is possible when one is able to see more than one angle of the situation and can see the bigger picture and develop wisdom.
- by forgiving it shows maturity, provides a powerful legacy for others to follow, grants one more freedome and one becomes a survivor not a victim. One is in more control of the life.
- one can learn to forgive themselves by accessing their wrongdoing, being kind to themselves and consider reaching out to those they perceive they have harmed.
Paul will also provide some useful tips on how to learn to forgive and let go.  These include
1. beginning with an intention to forgive.
2. acknowledging the pain caused by the grievance.
3. evaluating the gains and losses.
4. assessing the attitudes and beliefs around forgiveness.
5 using letting go exercises eg, journaling, meditation and visualization, daily affirmations and monitoring inner thoughts and one's own speech.


Intro music- ‘Thrive’ by All Good Folks from Album Music Vine

Outro music- ‘Revelations’ by Richard Smithson Album Upbeat

  1. “forgiveness: letting go of grudges and bitterness”. By mayo clinic staff n.d.
  2. The heart of the matter by don Henley, album ‘the end of the innocence’, released 1989., 26/7/2014.
  3. Don Henley lyrics “the heart of the matter”,, 30/7/2014.
  4. Powering through ‘is forgiving and forgetting really possible?’ the complete men foundation, Nd.
  5. Letting go of past grievances by Judith Perlman, LCSW, highland park, Illinois.