Visualizing What You Want

The Complete Men Podcast

Aug 19 2023 • 15 mins

In this episode Paul talks about a powerful visualization process he took part in at Complete Men recently and the many benefits of visualization eg, becoming a better man, self love. Paul will also discuss
- What is Visualization?
- examples of some well-known sportspeople from over the years who have used visualization to help them excel in their sport eg, Arthur Ashe, Matthew Hayden, Kaite Ledecky.
- that visualization can help one in everyday life such as helping one in reaching their financial goals, helping one in their occupation and in relationships, job interviews and public speaking.
Paul will also provide some useful tips to consider on how to practice visualization such as
1. imagining the specific situation and using all of the senses eg, sight, smell, hearing.
2. deciding on what technique suits eg, meditation.
3. being clear and realistic with goals
4. writing daily affirmations and using "I", language.
5. creating a vision board and filling it with pictures of what you want your life to be like.
6. setting your GPS ie, Goal, Path, Screen (imaging what it looks like on a screen and how it would feel).

Sources ‘the power of visualisation and how to use it,” by Lidija globokar, 5/3/2020.
2.. ‘what is visualization? How successful athletes use this proven technique?’ by team restoic, 19/11/2020., couch talk ‘I was much an ironman as I was a cricketer,’ interview by Subash Jayaraman with Matthew Hayden, 27/2/2016.
4.The mindset mentor podcast by rob dial ‘visualize and attract what I want,’ 4/7/2022.
5. ‘visualisation’, by the mindtools content team, n.d.
Intro music- Thrive by All Good Folks from Album Music Vine
Outro music- Revelations by Richard Smithson from Uppbeat.
