Self Discipline

The Complete Men Podcast

Aug 2 2023 • 21 mins

In this episode Paul will talk about what it means to have self-discipline, why it is important in our lives and how one can develop self-discipline and lead a happier and more productive life.
Paul will also talk about times when he has displayed self-discipline in his life and times when he has let himself down by not doing so.
Other areas that will be discussed include.
- the difference between self-discipline and motivation.
- how self-discipline reduces anxiety, increases one's ability to reach their goals, increases happiness and builds resilience.
- how one can develop self-discipline through focusing on the change of identy they want to happen and targeting the fundamentals in life eg, sleep, nutrition and exercise.
- writing out goals and creating reminders and getting others to hold you accountable.
- prioritizing and knowing your weaknesses
- changing your perspective and embracing and leaning into discomfort.
1.entrepreneurship, health, how to fix the world, how to human, ‘screw motivation, what you need is discipline’, by Zbyhnev N.d.
2., ‘developing the discipline of self-discipline’, by maggie wooll, 24/2/22.
3. ‘How to be more disciplined. Six ways to master self-control,’ by Thomas frank. 4/11/2018.
4. ‘how (and why) to cultivate a positive mental attitude’, by Erin Eatough Ph.D. 8/11/2021.
5. strides: Goal tracker. Habit checklist and reminders. Kyle Richey CEO
Intro Music-Thrive By All Good Folks from Album Music Vine
Outro Music- Revelations by Richard Smithson from Uppbeat