Pixels, Parenting, and Kickflips…

The KD Ratio!

Mar 26 2024 • 1 hr 19 mins

We pulled this episode directly from our livestream over on YouTube. Come check us out!

The following description was written by A.I.

Have you ever found yourself gaming at the crack of dawn, or perhaps you're the type to sneak in a few levels late at night? We've all got our quirky routines, but this time around, we're peeling back the curtain on our own, revealing the oddities of our daily lives and how they intertwine with the digital worlds we inhabit. From the way daylight saving time plays havoc with our work schedules to the genetic mysteries behind our sleep patterns, we're spilling the beans on it all. Plus, we'll reflect on how a good—or bad—gaming session can set the tone for our entire day.

Remember the first time you felt the rush of landing a new skateboarding trick, or the pang of a movie cliffhanger leaving you desperate for the sequel? Those highs and lows are just a part of the rollercoaster we're riding in this episode. We'll dissect the latest films that have us clinging on for more, and skate back in time to when skateboarding gear came from a store, not a screen. We're also tackling the shift in skateboarding's cultural tapestry, from its growth to Olympic fame to the quality of the boards we ride.

Let's take a walk down memory lane and consider how the technological landscape has shaped our childhood versus the experiences of today's youth. We'll chuckle over the slow internet speeds of yore and share how tech has reinvented our parenting playbook. From balancing screen time to navigating online safety, we're sharing our take on raising kids amidst a sea of pixels and bytes. So, join us as we journey through the ever-evolving realms of digital immersion, skate parks, and the many layers of modern parenting.

If you enjoy our episode's content, come check us out on twitter @KDratiopodcast, YouTube as The KD Ratio Podcast! or on Instagram KDratiopodcast