Episode 2: The Power of Gratitude in Cultivating a Balanced Mindset

The Pivot to Balance Podcast

Sep 19 2023 • 8 mins

Welcome to another episode of "The Pivot to Balance" Podcast! In today's conversation, we're diving deep into something that can truly change your life: gratitude journaling. We're going to explore how this simple practice can have a huge impact on your daily life, backed by scientific research.

Imagine having a tool that not only boosts your mental well-being but also strengthens your relationships. Sounds intriguing, right? Well, it's all about gratitude, and we've got you, in this episode, you will learn how to get started on your gratitude journaling journey.

What is The Pivot to Balance Podcast?

In a world that pulls us in a million different directions, and with a billion distractions, finding balance can feel like an ambiguous quest.

Join me on this Podcast as I try to navigate life’s twists, and turns with mindfulness, purpose, and grace.

In each episode we will dive into topics like self-care, personal growth, mindset shifts by sharing practical insights, stories, and maybe even interviews.

Get ready to pivot, to recalibrate and find your balance. Follow ‘The Pivot to Balance’ podcast, and I will see you on the other side 🤎🍋

Email: businessptbpodcast@gmail.com